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How do you know you need Homer Glen, IL dental implants?

The dental implant in Homer Glen, IL beautifully replaces a missing tooth. Dr. Alan De Angelo tells 5 signs you may need this outstanding restoration. Your Homer Glen dentist indicates you need a tooth extraction. What’s your best tooth replacement option? Consider a Homer Glen dental implant from Dr. Alan R. De Angelo. Here are the reasons you may need one.

What happens after tooth loss?

Tooth loss after dental injury, decay, infection or gum disease hurts your smile’s function and appearance.  A missing tooth affects the integrity of the jaw bone. Without your natural tooth, the neighboring teeth weaken and begin to drift into the empty space. Plus, your jawbone deteriorates, and gum tissue recedes because there’s no tooth in the socket to provide needed stimulation.

What is a dental implant?

A dental implant is a fully prosthetic tooth from root to crown. Made of a surgically inserted titanium screw, metal extension post and lifelike crown, this innovative restoration looks, acts and even feels as though it were the real thing.

5 signs you need a Homer Glen, IL dental implant

Dr. Alan R. DeAngelo extracts teeth only as a last resort. However, sometimes tooth loss is inevitable, and a patient needs an implant because:

  1. The tooth is irreversibly decayed or infected. Some decay and infection travels down the root canal, or inner chamber, of the tooth where connective tissue, nerves and blood supply reside. While root canal, or endodontic therapy, often saves badly damaged teeth for years of service, it cannot save every ailing tooth. In those cases, extraction plus replacement with a dental implant may be best.
  2. A tooth is knocked out and cannot be reimplanted. Sports injuries, falls, auto accidents–these incidents commonly knock teeth out of the mouth. While many can be reimplanted successfully by Dr. De Angelo or an oral surgeon, some cannot, and so the dentist offers a dental implant as a replacement.
  3. Several teeth in a row are missing. Multiple dental implants support fixed bridgework and partial and full dentures. All-on-4-implants provide patients with permanently fixed smiles that are easy to clean, natural-looking and very stable.
  4. You have a malformed tooth or a congenital absence of teeth. Sometimes children develop odd-looking teeth or are simplify missing back molars or lateral incisors. Dr. De Angelo evaluates the impact missing teeth can have on a child’s overall oral development. Orthodontics plus dental implants when the child is older often complete a gapped smile.
  5. You have a serious vertical crack in a tooth. While an oral surgeon sometimes expertly repairs such a crack, other fractures are too severe, and the tooth cannot be saved.

What should you do?

If you are concerned about the health of a tooth, contact Dr. De Angelo’s dedicated team, and schedule a consultation. You will receive a thorough examination by one of America’s Top Dentists (as named by the Consumer Research Council), and learn your treatment options, including state of the art Homer Glen, IL dental implants.

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