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DeAngelo Dental of Homer Glen Blog

6 Significant Risk Factors for Gum Disease

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Plaque caused by poor oral hygiene, a gum disease risk factor

Gum disease is one of the most common medical conditions in our country. In fact, roughly half of U.S. adults suffer from some form of it. It might not seem like a serious problem at first, but without treatment, it can lead to major tooth loss and systemic health problems. Is it possible that you could develop gum disease? Let’s talk about some major gum disease risk factors.


3 Cosmetic Dentistry Myths It’s Time to Debunk

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdeangelo @
a dentist using a shade guide to determine the color of a patient’s teeth in Homer Glen

Whether it is veneers, teeth whitening, dental bridges, or even the cost, there are many cosmetic dentistry myths in Homer Glen that need to be debunked. The internet is a treasure trove of information; however, its content isn’t always accurate, making it difficult for patients like yourself to decipher what is true and false. Fortunately, a dentist is here to dispel 3 of the most common falsehoods, so you can move forward with your plans to transform your smile.


4 Questions to Ask Your Cosmetic Dentist

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdeangelo @
Cosmetic dentist examining a woman’s smile

A cosmetic dental consultation in Homer Glen is an important first step when you want to rid your smile of stains, gaps, and other flaws. Making the most of your smile not only improves one’s self-esteem but is good for your oral health as well. Your initial visit gives the dentist an opportunity to examine your teeth and gums to determine the best treatments; it also allows you to ask important questions about the practice and the services in question. It’s important to be as well-informed as possible about your cosmetic dentist’s qualifications as well as the kind of experience you can expect at their practice. Below are 4 questions that you’ll want to ask during your consultation.


Can Dental Implants Lift a Sagging Face?

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdeangelo @
3D render of implant and crown for lower front tooth

If it has been a while since you’ve lost a tooth, you may have already noticed that your facial structure has collapsed, making you look older than you actually are. This is due to the underlying bone tissue shrinking thanks to a lack of stimulation. This bone loss can get in the way of receiving dental implants in Homer Glen, but don’t worry! With bone grafting, not only will implant surgery still be possible, you’ll also be able to restore your facial appearance. Below, you’ll learn more about how the dental implant process could help you lift your sagging face.


Broken Dentures: Is It a Dental Emergency?

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdeangelo @
a dentist talking to an older lady who is looking at her new smile in the mirror

If you’ve recently broken your dentures in Homer Glen, it’s understandable that you might feel somewhat panicked because of the situation. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to minimize further issues and get back to enjoying your healthier smile in less time. But before you start taking matters into your own hands, let a local dentist explain what you can do to handle the situation at home and what you should consider when scheduling an appointment.


The Connection Between Bone and Tooth Loss

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdeangelo @
a man wearing a glove and pulling his lower lip down to expose his missing tooth

Missing teeth are a nuisance. Not only does it cause you to lose confidence in your appearance, but it also wreaks havoc on your health and wellbeing. Each time you lose a tooth, your jawbone is affected. What was once a strong, sturdy foundation slowly begin to weaken over time, resulting in changes in your facial shape and the potential for additional tooth loss. How is this possible? What can you do to prevent bone resorption? A local dentist explains why dental implants in Homer Glen are not meant to only improve your aesthetics but also rebuild your tooth structure from the root up.


How Your Dentist Is Protecting Patients from COVID-19

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdeangelo @

conducting contactless temperature check before dental appointmentYour emergency dentist in Homer Glen, Il has always placed your health and safety at the top of their priority list. That was why their practice was temporarily shut down during the height of the COVID-19 crisis, and it is why they are taking extra measures to protect you now that they are reopen. Let’s talk about what your dentist and their team are doing to ensure that you can attend your next appointment with total confidence that you are entering a safe environment.


Upgrade Your Oral Healthcare Routine to Prevent COVID-19!

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdeangelo @

Woman looking away from camera brushing her teethIf you brush, floss, and maintain a good dental hygiene routine at home, then you’re already on your way toward a healthy mouth. However, during COVID-19, there are some important changes you can make to your at-home care that will help prevent infection. Keep reading to learn some easy ways you can upgrade your oral health routine to avoid the Coronavirus according to your dentist in Homer Glen.


Some Easy Tips to Keep You Smiling During Quarantine!

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdeangelo @

Couple brushing teeth togetherTo help fight Coronavirus and prevent its spread, dentists around the country have closed their offices for nonessential treatments. While this may leave those diligent about their routine checkups and cleanings worrying about when their next appointments will be, there is no need to panic! Your dentist in Homer Glen, IL has provided some pro tips on how to care for your smile on your own during quarantine. That way, when their office does reopen, you can pick up right where you left off—with a beautiful and healthy smile.



Do You Know if Your Dentures Fit Properly?

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdeangelo @

a set of denturesIll-fitting dentures in Homer Glen can cause a lot of pain and frustration. When trying to replace your missing teeth, the last thing you want is your customized restoration to create an unpleasant experience. Fortunately, your dentist can provide available solutions to fix the problem and have you enjoying your smile for years to come. Discover how new dentures or even dental implants can give you the relief you need and deserve while creating a new and improved smile. (more…)

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